

The largest British car maker formed in 1905 by Herbert Austin has spanned almost 100 years with major sales successes in the form of the pre-war Austin 7 and post war Mini. Austin production was aimed at the masses with the Austin 7 being the first mass produced British motor car. The Austin 7 rolling chassis was the used by BMW, Jaguar, Jeep, and Datsun as a base for their first production cars. Numerous other models were produced, the Austin 8, 10,12,16 in all guises coupe, tourers, saloons and special coach built bodies while in the post war years the distinguishing A90 Atlantic was produced for the American market. The 1950's saw the A30, A35 and A40 aimed to compete against the Morris Minor and Austin’s biggest success of all, the Alex Isigonas designed revolutionary Mini .
Today the charismatic little Austin 7's is regularly through our workshops, owned by collectors who cherish these fun and quirky little cars sitting next to more exotica . We have undertaken major restorations on most vehicles throughout the Austin range although we do tend to draw a line at their seventies creations

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