

Morgan first produced the 3 wheeler from 1910 to 1952 with a blackburne, matchless, or Jap engine. These proved very successful in competition. It was not until 1935 that the first 4 wheeler came off the production line. This motorcar which has been in production for almost 70 years still carries a similar line, style and even mechanicals although they have recently launched a new model called the "Aero". Over the decades there have been various upgrades and modifications to the cockpit area and power units to include 2 & 4 seaters, 1300CC, 2100CC, 1600CC and 3500CC V8-the plus 8. The plus 8 certainly offers an exhilarating ride. Not too much has changed at the Morgan factory since 1935 which has resisted change and still turns out hand made "post vintage" cars to their customers. Regularly frequenting our works the classic Morgan can be prone like all cars to rot, both to the metal work and the wooden ash frame. Some motor surgery has been undertaken by us to include major restorations and repaints, servicing and other minor repairs.

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